Abstract formats

The VI CAB2C Organizing Committee invites to submit abstracts (2 pages maximum) of original contributions in the interest area of the event. These should be in pdf format following the style given here (similar to the abstract style of BioMed Central) which may include a figure, table or chart.

Among the topics of interest, but not to be limited exclusively to, include the following:

  • Sequence analysis
  • Systems Biology and Networks
  • Genome organization and Annotation
  • Evolution, Phylogeny and Comparative Genomics
  • Genomics, Functional Genomics, and Metagenomics
  • Proteomics and Proteomic Functional
  • Metabolomics and Chemoinformatics
  • Protein Structure and Function Prediction
  • Ecology

Instructions for submissions

Electronic submission of abstracts in PDF format will be performed through the EasyChair Conference System.

  1. To submit a contribution you must have an account on EasyChair.
  2. To create an account, go to the website Obtaining an EasyChair Account, click the sign up for an account option and follow the instructions.
  3. Once you have received a confirmation that the account has been successfully created, go to the page EasyChair Login page for CAB2C2015 and login with your username and password.
  4. To submit a work, click on the link New Submission of the upper Menu and follow the instructions.
  5. Prior to submission you must select the subject area to which the work belongs as well as the preferred mode of presentation. Please select only one of the possible options (poster, oral or highlights track).
  6. Note that Highlights track submissions require to complete different pieces of information. Please read the instructions at the end of Easy Chair Submission Form before to start.

Guidelines for presentation

Poster: the posters dimensions in the VI CAB2C will be 90 cm wide and 130 cm high.

Oral: The authors will have 20 minutes for the oral presentation. They will have available a notebook with the following software:

  • Windows XP or Windows 7
  • PowerPoint 2003 or higher
  • Adobe Acrobat Reader version 7 or higher Software for audio player: Windows Media Player, Winamp or similar, capable of playing MP3 files.
  • Software for video player: Windows Media Player or similar, capable of playing AVI files (DivX codecs), MPG and MOV.
  • Wireless network and internet browser.

Highlights track: All papers published in peer-reviewed journals (no book chapters) between June 1, 2014 and June 30, 2015 are eligible to be presented as Oral. Papers in press are acceptable only if already available through the journal web site. Note that presenters are be encouraged to also present more recent work, however, that work will not be considered in the decision. Up to 2 papers can be submitted as one single PDF if the authors intend to present the results of multiple qualifying papers.

In order to upload your presentation, the exhibitor must be present 15 minutes before the start of the session that corresponds.

Note: for oral presentations may be used the exhibitor's computer if strictly necessary.

Note 2: an author may submit a maximum of two works per registration.