Registration modality

Please complete the following online registration form available here.
IMPORTANT: early registration deadline is September, 18. This deadline is mandatory for authors of accepted abstracts.

Registration fees


 A2B2C MembersISCB MembersOthers
Categories Early Registration Late Registration Early Registration Late Registration Early Registration Late Registration
Researchers and Professionals $800 $1000 $1440 $1620 $1600 $1800
PhD Students $600 $800 $1080 $1260 $1200 $1400
Undergraduate Students - - $450 $585 $500 $650


 A2B2C Annual Membership Fee (2015)
Researchers and Professionals $600
PhD Students $400


Registration fees are expressed in Pesos Argentinos.

The conference is affiliated by the International Society for Computational Biology (ISCB). The conference coordinators encourage all participants, who are not ISCB-members, to join the Society and to pay the discounted fee for ISCB members. The ISCB registration may be carried out by the website form.