
I'm member of the Artificial Intelligence Research and Development Laboratory (LIDIA). You can visit our Lab pages to learn about our main activities.

My main Artificial Intelligence research interests are:

  • Abstract argumentation formalisms and semantics for argumentation
  • Defeasible logic programs
  • Multiagent systems and in dynamic environments, and its connection to interactive games.
  • Artificial Intelligence in Digital Interactive Games
    (specially Real Time Strategy Games and First Person Shooters)
  • Games as testbed for AI research.



I'm member of the following research projects:

  • "Sistemas Lógicos y Argumentativos: Revisión de creencias, Argumentación, Razonamiento Rebatible" (Argumentative and Logic Systems: belief revision, argumentation, defeasible reasoning) , leaded by Dr. Guillermo R. Simari.
  • "Plataforma para el Desarrollo e Implementación de Sistemas. Multi-agente formados por Agentes Deliberativos Sociales Colaborativos con una Arquitectura BDI" (Platform for Development and Implementation of Multiagent systems formed by collaborative, social and deliberative BDI agents), leaded by Dr. Guillermo R. Simari. (PICT 2002 N° 13096).
  • "Agentes inteligentes de tiempo real para entornos dinámicos y juegos de estrategia" (Real Time Intelligent Agents for Dynamic Environments and Strategy Games), as Director (PGI 24/ZN20).

Selected Publications

Courses and Dissertations