Information Retrieval and Data Mining Research &
Computer Science Teaching
I am Researcher at ICIC-CONICET (Investigador Adjunto) and DCIC-Universidad Nacional del Sur (Investigador categoría III) in Bahía Blanca, Argentina, and I am teacher of Simulation and Scientific Computing courses.
I graduated as Computer Engineer in 2006 and had a PhD in Computer Science in 2010 at Universidad Nacional del Sur.
I've worked on research and teaching since 2005.
I'm married and have three kids.
Current courses:
* Simulation - (Simulación) → Programa
* Scientific Computing Methods - (Métodos de Computación Científica) → Programa
Previous Courses:
* Computer Architecture - (Arquitectura de Computadoras) - (2006 - 2015)
* Computer Organization - (Organización de Computadoras) - (2006 - 2012)
* Computer Prorammming Concepts - (Elementos de Programación) - (2008)
* Analysis and Understanding of Problems - (Análisis y Comprensión de Problemas) - (2006, 2008)
* Introducción a la Operación de Computadoras Personales - (2007)
* Simulation - (Simulación) - (2005 - 2006) → Programa
* Scientific Computing Methods - (Métodos de Computación Científica) - (2005 - 2006) → Programa
My research interests are artificial intelligence and machine learning, more specifically data and text mining. I've worked mainly on evolutionary computation and developed most of my research work on contextual information retrieval and bioinformatics problems.
ICIC-CONICET is part of the Bahía Blanca Scientific Technological Center. It has been created as a double dependent research entity and encourage the research on several Computer Science fields, such as Artificial Intelligence, Visualization and Computer Graphics, Scientific Computing and Bioinformatics, Software Engineering and Information Systems, and Distributed Systems.
I am member of the Bioinformatics and Chemioinformatics Research Group and the Information Retrieval Research Group.
Differential Gene Expression in Cancer: An Overrated Analysis. Current Bioinformatics. (DOI)
Filtering non-balanced data using an evolutionary approach. Logic Journal of the IGPL (DOI).
Statistical learning analysis of thyroid cancer microarray data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science (DOI).
PreCLAS: An Evolutionary Tool for Unsupervised Feature Selection. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. (DOI)
Multi-Objective GP Strategies for Topical Search Integrating Wikipedia Concepts. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on Document Engineering (DOI).
Topic Relevance and diversity in information retrieval from large datasets: A multi-objective evolutionary approach. Applied Soft Computing (DOI).
An Evolutionary Algorithm for Automatic Recommendation of Clustering Methods and its Parametes. Electronics Notes in Mathematics (DOI).