Articles published in journals
- An Alternative Semantics for Argumentative Systems. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. Inteligencia Artificial, 10(32), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
Refereed papers published in conferences and workshops
In international conferences and workshops
- A Semantics for Argumentative Systems. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings of the 8th Argentine Symposium on Artificial Intelligence (ASAI), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Compilation Techniques for Defeasible Logic Programs. Alejandro G. Stankevicius, Alejandro J. García and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings of the 6th International Congress on Informatics Engineering, 2000. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Una arquitectura para la ejecución de Programas Lógicos Rebatibles. Alejandro G. Stankevicius, Alejandro J. García and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings of the 5th International Congress on Informatics Engineering, 1999. Available as: [PDF] [BiBTeX]
In national conferences and workshops
- Seguridad y Privacidad en la Plataforma Android. Marcela Capobianco, Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Javier Echaiz. In Proceedings del 11vo Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2009. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- A Defeasible Reasoning Web Service. Nicolás D. Rotstein, Fernando M. Sagui, et al. In Proceedings del 8vo Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- A Methodology for Knowledge Representation in Defeasible Logic Programming. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings del 12vo Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACiC), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Argument Exchange Over the Semantic Web. Alejandro G. Stankevicius. In Proceedings del 8vo Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Towards a Semantics for Argumentative Systems. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings del 8vo Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2006. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Reasoning Module Interface Design Considerations. Alejandro G. Stankevicius. In Proceedings del 7to Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2005. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [BiBTeX]
- An Abstract Machine for the Execution of DeLP Programs. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Alejandro J. García. In Proceedings del 10mo Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACiC), 2004. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Context Independent Properties in Deliberation Protocols. Alejandro G. Stankevicius. In Proceedings del 6to Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2004. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- An architecture for rational agents interacting with complex environments. Alejandro G. Stankevicius, Marcela Capobianco and Carlos I. Chesñevar. In Proceedings del 5to Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2003. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Logical Properties in DeLP---a preliminary report. Alejandro G. Stankevicius, Marcela Capobianco and Carlos I. Chesñevar. In Proceedings del 4to Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2002. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Modelling Multiagent Deliberation from an Abstract Standpoint. Alejandro G. Stankevicius. In Proceedings del 8vo Workshop sobre Aspectos Teóricos de la Inteligencia Artificial (ATIA), 3er Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2001. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- An Abstract Model for the Process of Deliberation within Multiagent Systems. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings del 2do Workshop en Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI), 7mo Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACiC), 2001. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- A Framework for Multiagent Deliberation Based on Dialectical Argumentation. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings del 1er Workshop en Agentes y Sistemas Inteligentes (WASI), 6to Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACiC), 2000. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Could negotiation among agents be regarded as an argumentative process?. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Alejandro J. García. In Proceedings del 7mo Workshop sobre Aspectos Teóricos de la Inteligencia Artificial (ATIA), 2do Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 2000. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Modelling Negotiation Protocols in a Dialectical Framework. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Alejandro J. García. In Proceedings del 6to Workshop sobre Aspectos Teóricos de la Inteligencia Artificial (ATIA), 1er Workshop de Investigadores en Ciencias de la Computación (WICC), 1999. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]
- Argumentos didácticos a favor de los Tableaux Semánticos. Alejandro G. Stankevicius and Guillermo R. Simari. In Proceedings del 6to Ateneo de Profesores Universitarios de Computación (APUC), 4to Congreso Argentino de Ciencias de la Computación (CACiC), 1998. Available as: [PDF] [PS] [PSZ] [DVI] [BiBTeX]